共煮共食 - 每一年我們一起包的 cinavu

Commensal Classroom
The Time When We Make Cinavu

06/16, 2018 南方以南服務站
文化講師 | Sedjam Takivan Kavunga 林志祥

小米收穫的季節已在烈日下來臨,祭典的預告也在空間中散開來。每當有重要節慶或有貴賓來,才會現身的傳統美食 cinavu(小米粽),也是出外遊子最思念的家鄉味;和親友,和部落婦女,甚至和小朋友一起包 cinavu,都是最美好的團聚時光,大家一起製作一起共食,也承接著族群文化裡關於「分享」的傳統美德。

歡迎認識或不認識的朋友,藉由像是參與祭典前的準備工事,在一同包 cinavu與品嚐美味的同時,也一同分享與認識小米文化。

s the harvesting season arrives with the sizzling heat, the festive excitement can be felt in the air. Whenever there are important festivals or esteemed guests, traditional indigenous delicacy “cinavu” (millet dumpling) would be served. Its taste makes travelers away from their native home nostalgic and homesick, as they would miss the wonderful time of making cinavu with friends, relatives, women in the tribe and even children. Preparing and sharing food together is also a form of passing on the cultural legacy in indigenous communities as “sharing” is always considered a traditional virtue.
We welcome friends and first-time visitors to join the preparatory work of the festival, and get to know more about the culture of millet while making and savoring cinavu.
