
Return to the Village’s Past through Music—The Hidden South Concerts

6/24, 2018
放歌人 | 徐睿楷(Eric Scheihagen) (美籍黑膠收藏家)、 部落居民


來自美國的徐睿楷(Eric Scheihagen),專研亞洲政治、歷史的他,在台灣生活超過二十年的時間,收集台灣國語、客語、閩南語,更醉心於原住民流行樂,在台灣各地帶著收藏的音樂,說著這些帶著生活記憶的歌曲故事.

這次Eric 來到南方以南,播放部落卡帶、黑膠歌曲串聯敘事,放一些早期在台東地區傳唱的原住民歌謠,不只扮演說書人闡述的角色,更與我們尋覓南迴在地的排灣族當日明星歌手,南方以南也邀請部落在地居民帶著家裏自己的卡帶和黑膠一起來放歌!歡迎攜老扶幼號召左鄰右舍親朋好友來到現場,說不定將有機會遇見當年我們一起追過的部落明星!

Memory is not always of the past; in fact, it lives on vividly in our present life. This time, we will travel to the past of the villages through music. American artist Eric Scheihagen specializes in Asian politics and history and has lived in Taiwan for more than two decades. In The Hidden South Concerts, he plays cassettes and vinyl records to string together fragmented narratives. In the concerts, audiences can listen to popular songs used to be sung in indigenous villages in Taichung. The artist not only plays the role of a storyteller, but also looks for talented Paiwan singers that can be future stars in the southern region. The Hidden South also invites local indigenous friends and village residents to bring their cassettes and vinyl records to share their favorite music. Young and old, friends and family, neighbors and colleagues, all are welcome to join the concerts. Participants might even run into village idols that they used to follow!

