映像節 - 破壞控制
Parallax - Damage Control
Parallax - Damage Control
11/18-12/10, 2017
Chung Hsing Cultural and Creative Park in Luodong, Yilan
位於宜蘭羅東鎮的中興文化創意園區,前身即中興紙廠廠區,屬於全台重要工業遺構群之一,不論歷史或建築構造,無不帶有獨特的時代印記與氛圍。基於園區特質,在此創立的「映像節 Parallax」和廠區空間展開多層次、多維度的對話,在園區和探訪者之間勾勒出一種有別以往參觀經驗的溝通方式,期待以藝術為一度靜止的廠園區注入豐沛能量。
映像節擺脫制式的語譯,使用 Parallax (視差) 表現本計劃之理念與精神。首次發生在宜蘭的當代跨域影像藝術展覽,在策展途徑上尋求改變的動力,也尋求⼀種發生在作品類型和觀看經驗之間的改變,計畫包含現地創作、影音裝置、表演計畫與放映計畫更囊括錄像、動畫、實驗電影與短片等。
首屆「映像節 2017 Parallax」計畫邀請日本、法國、波蘭、香港及台灣等數位(組)國內外藝術家在園區中探勘及創作,透過影像、聲音、裝置、行為等藝術型態,針對園區早先為紙廠建築體的特性與空間產生對話,更為空間和探訪者勾勒出不同的溝通內容,為公眾開啟另一種想像的途徑和觀看方式。
以 「破壞控制」為核心概念,經由藝術的深掘、召喚和轉換,期待空間被激活,煥發出屬於當代的場所精神。除了現地創作和裝置,映像節期間還同步發動表演、放映計畫、實驗電影工作坊和大師講座等單元,為想像蓄積豐沛能量。
The precursor of the Chung Hsing Cultural and Creative Park in Luodong, Yilan is Chung Hsin Paper Factory, an important cluster of industrial remains in Taiwan. Both its history and architecture embody a unique imprint of the past and atmosphere. Corresponding to the park’s distinctive characteristics, Parallax launched in the park unfolded a multilayered, multidimensional dialogue with the space. The exhibition delineated an unprecedented form of communication between the park and its visitors, injecting a vibrant artistic energy into the once still, static factory.
Breaking away from stock vocabulary and interpretation, the exhibition adopts the term “parallax” (meaning “the difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight”) as the title to convey its core idea and spirit. As Yilan’s first contemporary interdisciplinary video art exhibition, the curatorial objective has been to discover a momentum for change while altering the dynamics between the various types of arts creation and the viewing experience. The project comprised site-specific work, video installation, performance and screening of video, animation, experimental film and short film.
The first edition, the 2017 Parallax, featured artists from Japan, France, Poland, Hong Kong and Taiwan to explore and create works in the park. The artists employed video, sound, installation and performance to construct dialogues with the architecture and special qualities of the paper factory, generating divergent content of communication between the space and its visitors while offering the public a new route of imagination and new ways of viewing.
With “Damage control” as the core concept, it is hoped that the space is revitalized with the contemporary emphasis on the site through the discovery, interpellation and transformation of art. In addition to site-specific works and installations, Parallax also launches concurrent a series of performance, screening, experimental film workshop and artist talk to infuse exuberant energies into the imagination.
參展藝術家 Participant artist
池田亮司 Ryoji IKEDA
安・芙羅瑞 Anne-Flore CABANIS
李傑 LEE Kit
薩比格尼・瑞比克金斯基 Zbigniew RYBCZYNSKI
澤拓 Hiraki SAWA
鬼丘鬼鏟 Ghost Mountain Ghost Shovel Collective
澎葉生 Yannick DAUBY
劉玗 Yu LIU
陳志建 Ken CHEN
邱承宏 Chen-Hung CHIU
Chung Hsing Cultural and Creative Park in Luodong, Yilan
位於宜蘭羅東鎮的中興文化創意園區,前身即中興紙廠廠區,屬於全台重要工業遺構群之一,不論歷史或建築構造,無不帶有獨特的時代印記與氛圍。基於園區特質,在此創立的「映像節 Parallax」和廠區空間展開多層次、多維度的對話,在園區和探訪者之間勾勒出一種有別以往參觀經驗的溝通方式,期待以藝術為一度靜止的廠園區注入豐沛能量。
映像節擺脫制式的語譯,使用 Parallax (視差) 表現本計劃之理念與精神。首次發生在宜蘭的當代跨域影像藝術展覽,在策展途徑上尋求改變的動力,也尋求⼀種發生在作品類型和觀看經驗之間的改變,計畫包含現地創作、影音裝置、表演計畫與放映計畫更囊括錄像、動畫、實驗電影與短片等。
首屆「映像節 2017 Parallax」計畫邀請日本、法國、波蘭、香港及台灣等數位(組)國內外藝術家在園區中探勘及創作,透過影像、聲音、裝置、行為等藝術型態,針對園區早先為紙廠建築體的特性與空間產生對話,更為空間和探訪者勾勒出不同的溝通內容,為公眾開啟另一種想像的途徑和觀看方式。
以 「破壞控制」為核心概念,經由藝術的深掘、召喚和轉換,期待空間被激活,煥發出屬於當代的場所精神。除了現地創作和裝置,映像節期間還同步發動表演、放映計畫、實驗電影工作坊和大師講座等單元,為想像蓄積豐沛能量。
The precursor of the Chung Hsing Cultural and Creative Park in Luodong, Yilan is Chung Hsin Paper Factory, an important cluster of industrial remains in Taiwan. Both its history and architecture embody a unique imprint of the past and atmosphere. Corresponding to the park’s distinctive characteristics, Parallax launched in the park unfolded a multilayered, multidimensional dialogue with the space. The exhibition delineated an unprecedented form of communication between the park and its visitors, injecting a vibrant artistic energy into the once still, static factory.
Breaking away from stock vocabulary and interpretation, the exhibition adopts the term “parallax” (meaning “the difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight”) as the title to convey its core idea and spirit. As Yilan’s first contemporary interdisciplinary video art exhibition, the curatorial objective has been to discover a momentum for change while altering the dynamics between the various types of arts creation and the viewing experience. The project comprised site-specific work, video installation, performance and screening of video, animation, experimental film and short film.
The first edition, the 2017 Parallax, featured artists from Japan, France, Poland, Hong Kong and Taiwan to explore and create works in the park. The artists employed video, sound, installation and performance to construct dialogues with the architecture and special qualities of the paper factory, generating divergent content of communication between the space and its visitors while offering the public a new route of imagination and new ways of viewing.
With “Damage control” as the core concept, it is hoped that the space is revitalized with the contemporary emphasis on the site through the discovery, interpellation and transformation of art. In addition to site-specific works and installations, Parallax also launches concurrent a series of performance, screening, experimental film workshop and artist talk to infuse exuberant energies into the imagination.

參展藝術家 Participant artist
池田亮司 Ryoji IKEDA
安・芙羅瑞 Anne-Flore CABANIS
李傑 LEE Kit
薩比格尼・瑞比克金斯基 Zbigniew RYBCZYNSKI
澤拓 Hiraki SAWA
鬼丘鬼鏟 Ghost Mountain Ghost Shovel Collective
澎葉生 Yannick DAUBY
劉玗 Yu LIU
陳志建 Ken CHEN
邱承宏 Chen-Hung CHIU