09, 2020
國際青年工藝設計營 Craft Design Camp
Integrating indigenous crafts, traditional culture and contemporary life while blending natural texture and handmade craftworks, 2019 Craft Taitung—Craft Design Camp invites youths from all corners of Taiwan to visit Taitung and participate in this all-immersive cultural project, which offers precious opportunities to learn crafts from different workshop. The project not only foregrounds the learning of local crafts, but also spotlights the heartwarming sentiments of Eastern Taiwan and its indigenous culture.
合作工藝坊 Studios
阿美工作坊 | 陳妍美 Amis : Hipali say say Talem | 藍保 卡路風 Lanpaw Kalijuvung
羅沙工作室 Saparang Rosa Studio | 羅安聖
花線工作室HuaSian | 陳品萱Chen Pin-Hsuan
鄭梅玉草編工作室 | 鄭梅玉 Cheng Mei-Yu Studio : Cheng Mei-Yu
跨界交流計畫 Interdisciplinary Exchange
《 臺東工藝獎暨展覽》作為凝結臺東在地工藝能量的平台,展開系列活動的舉辦。其中「跨界工藝師交流計畫」邀集臺東、縣外、及國際工藝師共10名,以共同創作交流的方式,相互學習技藝並體驗本地文化。 As a platform that brings together Taitung’s local craft energies, the Taitung Craft Award Exhibition launches a series of programs. “Interdisciplinary Artisans Exchange Program”invites 10 craft professionals from Taitung, Taiwan and around the world to learn from each other’s craft and experience local culture through co-creation.
吳其錚(土偶 claydoll)
高莎莎(米麻岸 Mima'an)
臺東工藝設計獎暨展覽 Taitung Craft Design Award
工藝基於一種取材自然、出於實用功能而發展的領域,美感在此可被視為一種介接材質與生活的過渡,是因為人類意識的注入而產生的特殊形式。工藝品既包含了天地萬物生養的恩賜,也是人在地球活動的痕跡。本屆《 臺東工藝獎暨展覽》,傳達「回到人與自然和諧生活方式」的概念,以對自然材質、大地色彩、宇宙規律的理解出發,著重工藝能回到生活中實用,讓美感自然而然的呈現在工藝中。
Craft is a field founded on the use of natural material and the functionality of its products. Aesthetics in this case can be viewed as what joins material and life, making craft a unique form stemmed from the extension of human consciousness. A craft work not only embodies the gift bestowed by nature, it also represents the traces of human activities on this planet. The Taitung Craft Award this year adopts the idea of “the lifestyle that brings human beings and nature back to harmony,” and embarks on a journey of learning more about natural material, colors of the earth and cosmic rhythm, with an emphasis on the practical application of craft in life while revealing its natural aesthetics.
展覽協力 : 日青創藝
媒體夥伴 : Shopping Design
國際青年工藝設計營 Craft Design Camp
Integrating indigenous crafts, traditional culture and contemporary life while blending natural texture and handmade craftworks, 2019 Craft Taitung—Craft Design Camp invites youths from all corners of Taiwan to visit Taitung and participate in this all-immersive cultural project, which offers precious opportunities to learn crafts from different workshop. The project not only foregrounds the learning of local crafts, but also spotlights the heartwarming sentiments of Eastern Taiwan and its indigenous culture.
合作工藝坊 Studios
阿美工作坊 | 陳妍美 Amis : Hipali say say Talem | 藍保 卡路風 Lanpaw Kalijuvung
羅沙工作室 Saparang Rosa Studio | 羅安聖
花線工作室HuaSian | 陳品萱Chen Pin-Hsuan
鄭梅玉草編工作室 | 鄭梅玉 Cheng Mei-Yu Studio : Cheng Mei-Yu
跨界交流計畫 Interdisciplinary Exchange
《 臺東工藝獎暨展覽》作為凝結臺東在地工藝能量的平台,展開系列活動的舉辦。其中「跨界工藝師交流計畫」邀集臺東、縣外、及國際工藝師共10名,以共同創作交流的方式,相互學習技藝並體驗本地文化。 As a platform that brings together Taitung’s local craft energies, the Taitung Craft Award Exhibition launches a series of programs. “Interdisciplinary Artisans Exchange Program”invites 10 craft professionals from Taitung, Taiwan and around the world to learn from each other’s craft and experience local culture through co-creation.
吳其錚(土偶 claydoll)
高莎莎(米麻岸 Mima'an)
臺東工藝設計獎暨展覽 Taitung Craft Design Award
工藝基於一種取材自然、出於實用功能而發展的領域,美感在此可被視為一種介接材質與生活的過渡,是因為人類意識的注入而產生的特殊形式。工藝品既包含了天地萬物生養的恩賜,也是人在地球活動的痕跡。本屆《 臺東工藝獎暨展覽》,傳達「回到人與自然和諧生活方式」的概念,以對自然材質、大地色彩、宇宙規律的理解出發,著重工藝能回到生活中實用,讓美感自然而然的呈現在工藝中。
Craft is a field founded on the use of natural material and the functionality of its products. Aesthetics in this case can be viewed as what joins material and life, making craft a unique form stemmed from the extension of human consciousness. A craft work not only embodies the gift bestowed by nature, it also represents the traces of human activities on this planet. The Taitung Craft Award this year adopts the idea of “the lifestyle that brings human beings and nature back to harmony,” and embarks on a journey of learning more about natural material, colors of the earth and cosmic rhythm, with an emphasis on the practical application of craft in life while revealing its natural aesthetics.
展覽協力 : 日青創藝
媒體夥伴 : Shopping Design