沈浸式工作坊 - 舊生活營

Yambaru Art Festival
Immerson 2 days workshop - Old Life Camp

01/19-20, 2019 

山蘇、山萵苣、菟兒菜、咸豐草是沖繩與台灣都共有的,加上當地特有的野菜「假黃鵪菜」(Nigana),額外將與日本在地民眾共同製作『投石火鍋』,這些野菜和海邊的貝類、小魚,在冬天裡透過燒紅滾燙的石頭,將夏天植物的溫度帶進人們的腳底板上。兩天的工作坊是生活的縮影,但是用力之餘還不可忘了幽默,編織好的藤籃給大家回到小日子裡採集,Old life camp是盡興而活,還有與大自然共息。

陳豪毅 居住於東台灣,目前從事策展、工藝創作與藝術教育的工作,策劃的展覽多著重在藝術與現實生活交疊的面相,並常在展覽中創造事件性的計畫與活動,試圖以展覽來表演其論述;近年來關注原住民社會與藝術,並從事多項原住民工藝的復振與創作,近期開展的藤編課程轉向以沉浸式的方式進行:期也和許多孩子共同發展計畫,將策展學變為一種教育模式。
Chen Haoyi live and work in Taitung, Taiwan. works as aboriginal craftman and art educator, and curator. Chen specially focus on the topic of aboriginal art and society and has been engaged in the revitalization and creation of aboriginal craft and culture. He also work closely with the children to develop creative project and turn education model in a mutual and organic way. His signature rattan weaves program turn the tradition workshop in a immersive way for a better understanding of the wisdom of the natural and aboriginal culture.

鄭志強  台東南王出生的卑南族人,熱愛土地與凡事用一雙手熱情地達成,他說即使部落文化殘破了,但也要用那些最珍貴的碎片去重新捏塑出一個作品。他廣泛的利用藤、竹、石頭來創作具有精神樣貌的生活雕塑;曾參與台日合作的『跨越黑潮』史前擬想船製作,更特別的是,他廣泛的實驗自然素材,懂得製作石斧、石刀與鑽木取火工具。
Alinadan Tatiyam, Puyuma born in Taitung Taiwan. Alinada are the few person in his age who loves and respect the natural and land by making art and objects by bare hand. He seems to make the puzzle by culture fragments to create new work. He only uses the natural material like rattan, bamboo, stone to create so called living sculpture with spirit. and  Alinada participated in the project “ 3万年前の航海 徹底再現プロジェクト” (as image)and build up a imaginative prehistoric ship and even make stone axe, stone knife and tool to make fire from wood as in Paleolithic age.
